Miss Mary Bobo’s Boarding House & Restaurant

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Miss Bobo’s is the perfect place to sit down to a real home-cooked meal served family style with plenty of Southern hospitality.

A gift shop is also on the premise, as is a conference room for any business minded folks. Open Monday-Saturday by Reservation.

hotel_vacation-icon_without-relection_22   (931) 759-7394
hotel_vacation-icon_without-relection_02   295 Main Street, Lynchburg, TN


Miss Mary Bobo’s Boarding House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was originally built in 1867 over a natural spring and was used as a traveler’s hotel. Back then it was known as the ‘Salmon House’ and was run be Dr. E.Y. Salmon. When Dr. Salmon retired back in 1908, Jack and Mary Bobo purchased the property and changed the name to the Bobo Hotel. Miss Mary operated the boarding house until her death in 1983, just shy of her 102nd birthday.